Saturday, January 12, 2013

Robin's Pepto-Kola Elixir Bottle

Figure 1

This medicine bottle (Figure 1) is one of the oldest bottles we've ever picked up.  We found it on an island off of northern Florida on the Atlantic Ocean side.

The glass is tinted a light violet shade (like this catsup bottle), which indicates that the glass contains the decolorizing agent, manganese oxide.  Manganese oxide sets off any residual iron impurities within the glass, and when exposed to sun, turns a shade of amethyst.  Bottles with this coloration were mainly manufactured between 1890 and 1920.

Embossed on the front:

Measurement lines numbered 1 through 16, with the text CUILLEREES A BOUCHE embossed sideways to the right of the measurements (Figures 2 & 3).  This means "spoonfuls" in French.

Figure 3
Figure 2

Figure 4

Embossed on the side panel:
the text PEPTO-KOLA (Figure 4)

Figure 5

The neck and finish appear to have been applied separately to the rest of the bottle (as evidenced by the uneven and lumpy "seam" at the base of the neck).

There is also a laid-on ring at the base of the neck. (Figure 5)

Figure 6

The finish appears to an extract, patent, or flat finish. (Figure 6)

Pepto-Kola was produced by Robin Laboratories, founded in 1883 by pharmacist Dr. Maurice Robin in Bourges, France.  Soon after, the company was moved to Paris, France.  Robin Laboratories have specialized in combinations of peptones (e.g., Peptonate iron, iodine of bromone), medication phosphate (e.g., Pepto-Kola), and metalloids and metal colloids. [1]

[Very rough] 1910 Pepto-Kola Ad Translation (from Italian):

And a delicious liquor, which in addition to the stimulating action and nutrients of kola and Glycerophosphates, has one of peptone, which can also be very effective as a nutrient and exciting.  Furthermore, for those who need a slight amount of alcohol, disclose it in small doses, as it is necessary to excite no harm.

The tourist should always have the Pepto-Kola in his flask.  He surely will be able to face the effort of muscular and nervous sports, he can ask the precious liquor for support against the incipient exhaustion, support for the suffering from a delayed meal, the appetite for excitement sometimes muffled by the painful sense of fatigue.
1910 Italian advertisement for Pepto-Kola

A glass of liquor before the meal and an excellent drink after the meal replaces fine coffee, which is not easy to obtain during an excursion sport.

According to the Special U.S. Consular Reports in 1895 (see left), the importation of Robin's Pepto-Kola elixir was prohibited beginning April 12, 1896, following the examination of its contents by the Medical Board in 1895.

Dating this bottle:

We can safely place the year of its manufacture between 1890 and 1896 because it is mouth-blown, there is manganese oxide in the glass, and the product was not allowed in the USA following April 1896.

Pepto-Kola Robin: "Léandre, la rage, Pasteur"

Pepto-Kola is Dr. Robin's proprietary elixir containing glycerophosphate syrup: a combination of pepsin, tinctures of ignatia and kola (in place of strychnine and caffeine), calcium glycerophosphate, potassium glycerophosphate, sodium glycerophosphate, magnesium glycerophosphate, powdered iron glycerophosphate, glacial acetic acid, refined sugar, cudbear, chloroform, alcohol, and distilled water. [2]

Known also as the "Elixir of Life," the syrup was meant to be injected into the bloodstream and thought to increase muscular power, vital force, and even length of life. At the time, it was widely believed that injections of sodium salts had positive stimulating effects upon the heart. [3]

This acid and its salts were introduced into medicine on the idea that they could supply phosphorus to the brain of someone who was phosphorus-deficient, especially someone with a nervous disease.  According to Dr. Robin, the product acts as a "nerve tonic" in all sorts of nervous and wasting diseases.

1925 Italian advertisement for Pepto-Kola

[Rough] 1925 Pepto-Kola Ad Translation (from Italian):

Sunday, February 1, 1925
Association of Red Kola,
of Peptone and of Glycerophosphates.
A glass of liquor after every meal.
Liquor pleasant, Stimulating, Tonic.


[1] Bulletin de la Société d'histoire de la pharmacie, 17e année, N. 61.  1929.

[2] Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.  The British Pharmaceutical Codex: An Imperial Dispensatory for the Use of Medical Practitioners and Pharmacists.  1907.

[3] Smith, Wilson A.  The Medical Visitor, A Monthly Journal for Physicians and Surgeons, Volume XVII.  Halsey Bros. Co.: 1901.


  1. I am specifically looking for a tall, skinny 4oz bottle and also a standard Boston round 8oz bottle. wholesale liquor bottles

  2. Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very useful!
